Organic Heating Pad
How long you have been using heating pads for pain? the heating pads may comfort your pain for sometime but there result is not at all long lasting and may leave ur skin reddish or patchy. You might be in search of an effective it is..
There is an age old tradition to use POTALI instead of a heating pad for bruises and pain relief.
the potali is made out of a red clay brick, twigs of vitex negundo and a cotton cloth.
The nirgundi(vitex negundo) has been used as an effective pain reliever and works best for inflammation.
its fresh mature leaves are aromatic, astringent, antipyretic, antihistaminic, anti arthritic, anti inflammatory, and bronchial soft muscle relaxant. So it is surely a cure for pain, cramps, spasms, muscle fatigues, joint pain, and swelling.
Preparing potali is followed by some simple steps.
1. first of all choose a good handmade red clay brick/whichever available inn your area but red clay brick does hold the heat for longer time.
2. heat the brick on stove or in an open chulha/ bonfire.
3.Then lift carefully and place 3 to4 twigs or handful or two of the nirgundi over it, so as to cover the brick by a thick layer. Avoid too much stem part and also avoid the use of too many leaves as it would not let the heat pass throgh it.
4. Then roll cover the brick by a cotton cloth, it must not be thin. Take precaution not to cover it too thin,as it may irritate and not too thick as it will make barrier for the trans dermal passage of the essential oils and flavonoids from leaves. You can use the cotton bags as shown below and use additional cotton napkins to get desired effect and heat.
5.Then use this potali on the affected area.
6.For better effect, use this for10-15 mins or as per the severity.
there are severe bruises/redness
it is generally said that the slow heat that is discharged from the brick passes through the leaves of nirgundi and the the essential oils and flavonoids present in them get released and pass to our body transdermally and reduces pain and inflammation. Hence, Using fresh and mature leaves is important.
The extracts of the Nirgundi leaves used with other complementing ingredients inspired from classic ayurvedic formula are used by healthcare nutrition center's experts for launching our new anti arthritic product. Its true that heat works best on pain, But using potali might not be practicable anytime anywhere.It may give best results with proper joint supplement.
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