Saturday, 22 February 2014

Organic Heating Pad 

 How long you have been using heating pads for pain? the heating pads may comfort your pain for sometime but there result is not at all long lasting and may leave ur skin reddish or patchy. You might be in search of an effective it is..
There is an age old tradition to use POTALI  instead of a heating pad for bruises and pain relief. 
the potali is made out of a red clay brick, twigs of vitex negundo and a cotton cloth.


The nirgundi(vitex negundo) has been used as an effective pain reliever and works best for inflammation. 
its fresh mature leaves are aromatic, astringent, antipyretic, antihistaminic, anti arthritic, anti inflammatory, and bronchial soft muscle relaxant. So it is surely a cure for  pain, cramps, spasms, muscle fatigues, joint pain, and swelling.


Preparing potali is followed by some simple steps.

1. first of all choose a good handmade red clay brick/whichever available inn your area but red clay brick does hold the heat for longer time. 
2. heat the brick on stove or in an open chulha/ bonfire.

 3.Then lift carefully and place 3 to4 twigs or handful or two of the nirgundi over it, so as to cover the brick by a thick layer. Avoid too much stem part and also avoid the use of too many leaves as it would not let the heat pass throgh it.
4. Then roll cover the brick by a cotton cloth, it must not be thin. Take precaution not to cover it too thin,as it may irritate and not too thick as it will make barrier for the trans dermal passage of the essential oils and flavonoids from leaves. You can use the cotton bags as shown below and use additional cotton napkins to get desired effect and heat.

5.Then use this potali on the affected area.

6.For better effect, use this for10-15 mins or as per the severity.

there are severe bruises/redness

it is generally said that the slow heat that is discharged from the brick passes through the leaves of nirgundi and the  the essential oils and flavonoids present in them get released and pass to our body transdermally and reduces pain and inflammation. Hence, Using fresh and mature leaves is important.

The extracts of the Nirgundi leaves used with other complementing ingredients inspired from classic ayurvedic formula are used by healthcare nutrition center's experts for launching our new anti arthritic product. Its true that heat works best on pain,  But using potali might not be practicable anytime anywhere.It may give best  results with proper joint supplement.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

What is metabolic age and how does it differ from chronological age?

 What is metabolic age and how does it differ from chronological age?

Chronological age is your age in calendar years. Metabolic age is a number that comes from comparing your Basal Metabolic Rate with the Basal Metabolic Rate average of your chronological age group. Depending on how you compare you are assigned a metabolic age number that can be lower or higher than your chronological age.

Metabolic age is a number that comes from comparing your Basal Metabolic Rate with the Basal Metabolic Rate average of your chronological age group. Depending on how you compare you are assigned a metabolic age number that can be lower or higher than your chronological age. A metabolic age number younger than your chronological age generally means that you are fitter and in better health than the average, the lower the age the better in shape you are. An older metabolic age points towards being less healthy and fit than your peers and if it’s much older than your chronological age, then this is the matter of immediate attention .

The most important thing to know about metabolic age is that you’re really trying to measure metabolism, or specifically increase metabolism. 

 So, what’s the best way to increase metabolism?

  • Shed body fat: 
    You can accomplish this once again by lifting weight combined with the right type of cardiovascular exercise.
  • Eat better:

    Food is fuel and better fuel makes the engine run hotter and more efficiently.  Ultimately, having a faster metabolism than someone else doesn’t matter if you’re taking in more calories than your metabolism is burning. Keep the calories in check.

    Daily Calorie Needs:

    There are several formulas to determine your daily calorie needs, I suggest the following formula, which takes into account your metabolism and activity level.
    Here's what you do:
    Body weight x 10 (men) or 9 (women) x activity factor x metabolism level.
    Activity factor is determined like this:

  • Sedentary lifestyle (sitting a lot, no real exercise) = 1.1
  • Mildly active - standing at work, 2-3 workouts a week = 1.2
  • Very active = 1.3
            Metabolism level is determined like this:
  • Fast metabolism = 1.1
  • Average = 1.0
  • Slow = .9
Here's an example for a 190lb man: 190x 10 = 1900 x 1.2 (mildly active) =2280  x .9 (slow metabolism) = 2052calories per day. So you have a daily calorie total that should then be divided by 5-6 to give you a idea of the calorie content of each meal. 
What you have to do is, keep the right mix of macronutrients along with muscle building exercise and you’re on the right track....!! 

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Calcium - Not Just for Teeth and Bones

We all know that calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, but did you know that calcium plays a critical role in other functions within your body?

Your body contains about 2.5 pounds of calcium; your bones and teeth contain 99% of all the calcium in your body, and the remaining 1% (about 1/3 ounce) circulates in your blood or sits in your body's soft tissues.

Calcium's "other" roles:
  • Used to activate the enzymes involved in fat and protein digestion
  • Involved in blood clotting
  • Helps with the transmission of nerve impulses
  • Functions as an electrolyte, which helps regulate the amount of fluids in your body, which regulates blood pressure
  • Helps you maintain a normal heart rhythm
  • Regulates the contraction and relaxation of muscles
  • Aids the absorption of many nutrients, especially vitamin B-12
Calcium is so important to your health that your body self-ensures it maintains a constant level of calcium in your blood, no matter how much your diet provides. The secret "stash" of calcium is in your bones, which release calcium into your blood as needed.
i think its time to switch to calcium rich diet...
If the stash is regularly drawn from, your bones become porous and weak, and you set forth bone loss (aka osteoporosis).

Low calcium intake during childhood, teen years, and early adulthood set the stage for osteoporosis in later life.  A diet high in simple sugars and phosphorous (like soda and food additives/processed foods) impairs calcium absorption, and increases the amount of calcium pulled out of your bone.

Mild calcium deficiencies may result in: stunted bone/teeth development, heart palpitations, insomnia, irritability, nerve sensitivity, muscle twitching, mental confusion and a feeling of depression.

If you do decide to take calcium in supplement form:
  • it should be taken with magnesium and Vitamin D, because they all work together to enhance each other's absorption and utilization in the body [see note below]
  • do not take it at the same time that you eat iron-rich foods, or with an iron supplement - calcium blocks the absorption of iron
  • divide your dose into two or three servings as your body can only absorb 500 mg of calcium at any one time

A final note on the importance of proper magnesium intake with calcium:

Magnesium is needed for calcium absorption. Without enough magnesium, calcium can collect in the soft tissues and cause one type of arthritis.
 Not only does calcium collect in the soft tissues of arthritics, it is poorly, if at all, absorbed into their blood and bones.
Taking more calcium is not the answer; it only amplifies the problem.

                          fig. above tells us abput the balanced intake of calcium with vitamin D.

 In fact, excessive calcium intake and insufficient magnesium can contribute to both of these diseases. Magnesium taken in proper dosages can solve the problem of calcium deficiency.

Because magnesium suppresses PTH and stimulates calcitonin it helps put calcium into our bones, preventing osteoporosis, and helps remove it from our soft tissues eliminating some forms of arthritis. A magnesium deficiency will prevent this chemical action from taking place in our bodies, and no amount of calcium can correct it. While magnesium helps our body absorb and retain calcium, too much calcium prevents magnesium from being absorbed. So taking large amounts of calcium without adequate magnesium may either create malabsorption or a magnesium deficiency. Whichever occurs, only magnesium can break the cycle. 

  • The Real Vitamin & Mineral Book, Shari Lieberman & Nancy Bruning
  • Foods That Heal, Bernard Jensen
  • Nature's Pharmacy
please express your views and sgare your comments with us.....! Regards...

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Being a caregiver.......A backroom job to put forth the patients happy life....

A caregiver is is an unpaid or paid relative or friend of a disabled individual who helps that individual with his or her activities of daily living. This may sound easy and sedatory job; but it takes real guts and a true devotion to do it..
A caregiver is a personal assistant who looks after a patient not as a job...but as a noble service.. In India the caregivers are generally the family members of the patient or his/her relatives, and often there efforts are not measured in terms of any external rewards. They just do it....for the love and care they actually hold within......

In healthcare nutrition center we organize campaigns and training sessions for the caregivers. When we hear there real time experiences of looking after the patients we are both, touched and inspired to work for the homely angels-the caregivers...!!

Through this blog article I would like to focus on some of the factors we work on...
a suggestion for the caregivers.
1. first of all each day congratulate yourself for best of the service you are delivering to patient!!
2. the usual duties of a caregiver are--
--Take care of someone who has a chronic illness or disease.
--  Manage medications or talk to doctors and nurses on someone’s behalf.

--Help bathe or dress someone who is frail or disabled.

--Take care of household chores, meals, or bills for someone who cannot do these things alone. 
 Always make sure you have a time table for these duties as being organized would help you all the way. Also organize your personal schedule accordingly.
3. As we all no, the different patients have different problems and may need help in different aspects.

We are trying to cover some of the illnesses or the disabilities. the first to deal with is dementia.

1. Dementia:
Set a positive mood for interaction. Your attitude and body language communicate your feelings and thoughts stronger than your words. Set a positive mood by speaking to your loved one in a pleasant and respectful manner. Use facial expressions, tone of voice and physical touch to help convey your message and show your feelings of affection.
2.      Get the person’s attention. Limit distractions and noise—turn off the radio or TV, close the curtains or shut the door, or move to quieter sur-roundings. Before speaking, make sure you have her attention; address her by name, identify yourself by name and relation, and use nonver-bal cues and touch to help keep her focused. If she is seated, get down to her level and maintain eye contact.
3.      State your message clearly. Use simple words and sentences. Speak slowly, distinctly and in a reassuring tone. Refrain from raising your voice higher or louder; instead, pitch your voice lower. If she doesn’t understand the first time, use the same wording to repeat your message or ques-tion. If she still doesn’t understand, wait a few minutes and rephrase the question. Use the names of people and places instead of pronouns or abbreviations.
4.      Ask simple, answerable questions. Ask one question at a time; those with yes or no answers work best. Refrain from asking open-ended ques-tions or giving too many choices. For example, ask, “Would you like to wear your white shirt or your blue shirt?” Better still, show her the choices—visual prompts and cues also help clar-ify your question and can guide her response.
5.      Listen with your ears, eyes and heart. Be patient in waiting for your loved one’s reply. If she is struggling for an answer, it’s okay to suggest words. Watch for nonverbal cues and body language, and respond appropriately. Always strive to listen for the meaning and feelings that underlie the words.
6.      Break down activities into a series of steps. This makes many tasks much more manageable. You can encourage your loved one to do what he can, gently remind him of steps he tends to forget, and assist with steps he’s no longer able to accomplish on his own. Using visual cues, such as showing him with your hand where to place the dinner plate, can be very helpful.
7.      When the going gets tough, distract and redirect. When your loved one becomes upset, try changing the subject or the environment. For example, ask him for help or suggest going for a walk. It is important to connect with the person on a feeling level, before you redirect. You might say, “I see you’re feeling sad—I’m sorry you’re upset. Let’s go get something to eat.”
8.      Respond with affection and reassurance. People with dementia often feel confused, anxious and unsure of themselves. Further, they often get reality confused and may recall things that never really occurred. Avoid trying to convince them they are wrong. Stay focused on the feelings they are demonstrating (which are real) and respond with verbal and physical expressions of comfort, support and reassurance. Sometimes holding hands, touching, hugging and praise will get the person to respond when all else fails.
9.      Remember the good old days. Remembering the past is often a soothing and affirming activity. Many people with dementia may not remember what happened 45 minutes ago, but they can clearly recall their lives 45 years earlier. Therefore, avoid asking questions that rely on short-term memory, such as asking the person what they had for lunch. Instead, try asking general questions about the person’s distant past—this information is more likely to be retained.
10.  Maintain your sense of humor. Use humor whenever possible, though not at the person's expense. People with dementia tend to retain their social skills and are usually delighted to laugh along with you.
11. Handling the behavioural whims. First of all, keep in your mind that through every action they want to express something. Everything your loved one does is triggered by something that you have to find out. You may consult the doctor each time you notice a behavioural change and try to cope up with the patient as much as you can, as we can never change a person. 
12. You are not alone. We request you all to please realize that you are not alone over there. there are social communities and volunteers. for an immediate help, call your neighbours friends or even collegues.. help comes in any face.

please express your thoughts and opinions about the artcle.. ***coming soon--suggestions for the caregivers of heart patients, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, AIDS.


Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Realize, Analyze and Herbalyze....warm welcome to all..!!
As a Healthcare Nutrition center, We are a group of people who always believe in the healing and magical power of the herbs and now we want to spread this affinity in social aspect. Since year 2009 we are involved in delivering Herbal, Ayurvedic products and services. Behind offering any product or service, the core values of MB’s healthcare nutrition center is being commited to- Quality, Reliability and Fairness. We want to serve society and we want to make a revolutionary change in the herbal healthcare sector by establishing healthy and friendly relations with each one of you..

~*~Objectives of the community(About us)~*~
We aim to bring you the most amazing news, tips, suggestions, knowledge and inspiration from the magical world of herbalism and natural health!

 General Information
By becoming a part of this community you are welcome to have any and all friendly discussion, tips and success stories related to herbs, herbalism and natural health. Rediscover ur inner self with us, find herbal solutions and remedies. Each one of you are important to us as every member of the blog is like the poles of magnet to us which are unseperable…!
The usual rules apply - please keep it friendly and relevant.

If you are a herbalist, please feel free to post your herbal links with us..
PLEASE however refrain from posting "Irrelavent links" in comment threads.
Links to resources relavent to the discussion are acceptable. Public shaming and spamming would not be tolerated at any cost, such communities, blogs or people would be banned permanently and/or would be reported.

~*~medicinal herbs – general aspect~*~

This is a "general information" blog & we report on scientific research / interesting news from the field of herbalism. We may post our suggested and recommended products and services providing herbal and nutritional solutions for health problems such as diabetes, arthritis, obesity, male and female health, neutraceuticals and cosmoceutiucals etc. We dont say "This herb will cure your ________" however we can say "studies have shown that _____ was found to cure ____ in the lab" We always strive to back up our reportage with links to the original scientific studies / research sources, as we stand by the legal aspect.
The info on the Realize, Analyze and Herbalise has not been evaluated by the FDA, is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and is not medical advice, nor is it a substitute for medical advice / consultation with a qualified physician. If you have medical concerns or symptoms, or are considering use of herbs or supplements, please consult a qualified physician / healthcare provider.
By becoming a part of us, be assured not to get a single dull moment..! You will be updated, your world with Realize Analyze and Herbalize would be happening as never before…! So together, lets keep the the world moving….!!